Number of items: 10.
Potentially inappropriate prescribing in older people with dementia in care homes : a retrospective analysis. (2012)
Carole Parsons,
Sarah Johnston,
Elspeth Mathie,
Natasha Baron,
Ina Machen,
Sarah Amador
Claire Goodman
The role of health professionals in promoting the uptake of fall prevention interventions : A qualitative study of older people's views. (2011)
Angela Dickinson,
Khim Horton,
Ina Machen,
Frances Bunn,
Jenny Cove,
Deepak Jain
Ted Maddex
Culture, consent, costs and care homes: Enabling older people with dementia to participate in research. (2011)
Claire Goodman,
Natasha L. Baron,
Ina Machen,
Elizabeth Stevenson,
Catherine Evans,
Sue L. Davies
Steve Iliffe
Fall prevention in the community: what older people say they need. (2011)
Angela Dickinson,
I. Machen,
K. Horton,
D. Jain,
T. Maddex
J. Cove
Sedative load of medications prescribed for older people with dementia in care homes. (2011)
Carole Parsons,
Jane Haydock,
Elspeth Mathie,
Natasha Baron,
Ina Machen,
Elizabeth Stevenson,
Sarah Amador
Claire Goodman
Impact on clinical practice of the Joint British Societies' cardiovascular risk assessment tools. (2009)
M. Kirby
I. Machen
Developing a new response to non-urgent emergency calls : evaluation of a nurse and paramedic partnership intervention. (2008)
D. Widiatmoko,
I. Machen,
Angela Dickinson,
J. Williams
S. Kendall
Paramedics and nurses in partnership: perceptions of a new response to low-priority ambulance calls. (2007)
I. Machen,
Angela Dickinson,
J. Williams,
D. Widiatmoko
S. Kendall
Practice Nurses as Mentors for Student Nurses. An untapped educational Resource. (2003)
L. Sibson
I. Machen
Pre-hospital Pain Management: the paramedics perspective. (2003)
G. E. Jones
I. Machen