Number of items: 83.
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for schizophrenia - outcomes for functioning, distress and quality of life : A meta-analysis. (2018) Keith R. Laws, Nicole Darlington, Tejinder K. Kondel, Peter J. McKenna and Sameer Jauhar
  • Self-reported interoceptive deficits in eating disorders: A meta-analysis of studies using the eating disorder inventory. (2018) Paul Jenkinson, Lauren Taylor and Keith Laws
  • Cognitive dysfunction in body dysmorphic disorder : new implications for nosological systems and neurobiological models. (2017) Kiri Jefferies-Sewell, Samuel R Chamberlain, Naomi A Fineberg and Keith R Laws
  • NICE guidance on psychological treatments for bipolar disorder: : searching for the evidence. (2016) Sameer Jauhar, Peter J McKenna and Keith R Laws
  • Sex differences in cognitive impairment in Alzheimer's disease. (2016) K.R. Laws, Karen Irvine and Tim M. Gale
  • Commentary : Does Cognitive Behavior Therapy for psychosis (CBTp) show a sustainable effect on delusions? A meta-analysis. (2016) Keith R Laws
  • Selective reporting of results in guidelines. (2015) P. J. McKenna, K R Laws and S. Jauhar
  • Increased frequency of involuntary semantic memories or mind-pops in schizophrenia : a diary study. (2015) Ia Elua, K.R. Laws and Lia Kvavilashvili
  • The neuropsychology of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder : a new analysis. (2015) Naomi Fineberg, Grace A. Day, Nica de Koenigswarter, Samar Reghunandanan, Sangeetha Kolli, Kiri Jefferies-Sewell, Georgi Hranov and K.R. Laws
  • Authors' reply. (2015) P. J. McKenna, K.R. Laws and S. Jauhar
  • The use of ketamine as an antidepressant: : A systematic review and meta-analysis. (2015) Caoimhe M. Coyle and K.R. Laws
  • Are psychological therapies effective in treating schizophrenia and psychosis? (2015) Peter Kinderman, Peter Mckenna and Keith R. Laws
  • To admit or not to admit? : The effect of framing on risk assessment decision making in psychiatrists. (2015) Kiri Jefferies-Sewell, Shivani Sharma, Tim Gale, Chris J. Hawley, George Georgiou and K.R. Laws
  • Authors' reply. (2014) P. J. McKenna, J. Radua, K.R. Laws and S. Jauhar
  • Greater cognitive deterioration in women than men with Alzheimer's disease : a meta analysis. (2012) K. Irvine, K.R. Laws, T.M. Gale and T.K. Kondel
  • Is Ginkgo biloba a cognitive enhancer in healthy individuals? : A meta-analysis. (2012) K.R. Laws, H. Sweetnam and T.K. Kondel
  • Superior face recognition in Body Dysmorphic Disorder. (2012) Kiri Jefferies, K.R. Laws and Naomi Fineberg
  • From mind-pops to hallucinations? : A study of involuntary semantic memories in schizophrenia. (2012) I. Elua, K.R. Laws and L. Kvavilashvili
  • Category-specific semantics in Alzheimer's dementia and normal aging? (2011) K.R. Laws, T.M. Gale, R.L. Adlington, K. Irvine, S. Sthanakiya and F.J. Moreno-Martínez
  • Delusion-prone individuals : stuck in their ways? (2011) K.R. Laws, Tejinder Kondel, R. Clarke and A-M. Nillo
  • A set of high quality colour images with Spanish norms for seven relevant psycholinguistic variables: The Nombela naming test. (2011) Francisco Javier Moreno-Martinez, Pedro R. Montoro and K.R. Laws
  • Physical activity and mental health in a student population. (2010) Philip Tyson, Kelly Wilson, Diane Crone, Richard Brailsford and K.R. Laws
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy for major psychiatric disorder : does it really work? A meta-analytical review of well-controlled trials. (2010) D. Lynch, K.R. Laws and P. J. McKenna
  • Facial emotion processing in schizophrenia : a non-specific neuropsychological deficit? (2010) E. Pomarol-Clotet, F. Hynes, C. Ashwin, E.T. Bullmore, P. J. McKenna and K.R. Laws
  • False memory in schizophrenia patients with and without delusions. (2010) R. Bhatt, K.R. Laws and P. J. McKenna
  • ‘Normal’ semantic-phonemic fluency discrepancy in Alzheimer's disease? A meta-analytic study. (2010) K.R. Laws, A. Duncan and T.M. Gale
  • The neuropsychology of the schizo-obsessive subtype of schizophrenia : a new analysis. (2010) D.D. Patel, K.R. Laws, A. Padhi, J. Farrow, K. Mukhopadhaya, R. Krishnaiah and Naomi Fineberg
  • The Hatfield Image Test (HIT) : A new picture test and norms for experimental and clinical use. (2009) Rebecca L. Adlington, K.R. Laws and Tim M. Gale
  • Is executive impairment associated with schizophrenic syndromes? A meta-analysis. (2009) C.R.M. Dibben, C. Rice, K.R. Laws and P. J. McKenna
  • Visual processing in Alzheimer's disease : surface detail and colour fail to aid object identification. (2009) R.L. Adlington, K.R. Laws and T.M. Gale
  • Attention and executive function in people with schizophrenia: Relationship with social skills and quality of life. (2008) P. J. Tyson, K.R. Laws, K.A. Flowers, A.M. Mortimer and J. Schulz
  • Awareness of everyday executive difficulties precede overt executive dysfunction in schizotypal subjects. (2008) K.R. Laws, D.D. Patel and P. J. Tyson
  • No category specificity in Alzheimer's disease: A normal aging effect. (2008) F.J. Moreno-Martinez and K.R. Laws
  • Semantic priming in schizophrenia : systematic review and meta-analysis. (2008) E. Plomarol-Clotet, T.M.S.S. Oh, K.R. Laws and P. J. McKenna
  • The impact of dementia, age and sex on category fluency: Greater deficits in women with Alzheimer's disease. (2008) F.J. Moreno-Martinez, K.R. Laws and J. Schulz
  • The naming profile in Alzheimer patients parallels that of elderly controls. (2008) T.M. Gale, K. Irvine, K.R. Laws and S. Ferrissey
  • Ecstasy (MDMA) and memory function: a meta-analytic update. (2007) K.R. Laws and J. Kokkalis
  • An attenuation of the 'normal' category effect in patients with Alzheimer's disease : A review and bootstrap analysis. (2007) F.J. Moreno-Martinez and K.R. Laws
  • A meta-analytic review of category naming in Alzheimer's disease. (2007) K.R. Laws, R.L. Adlington, T.M. Gale, F.J. Moreno-Martinez and G. Sartori
  • A predominance of category deficits for living things in Alzheimer's disease and Lewy body dementia. (2007) K.R. Laws, J.R. Crawford, F. Gnoato and G. Sartori
  • Category-specificity can emerge from bottom-up visual characteristics: evidence from a modular neural network. (2006) T.M. Gale and K.R. Laws
  • Cognitive function and social abilities in patients with schizophrenia: relationship with atypical antipsychotics. (2006) P. J. Tyson, K.R. Laws, K.A. Flowers, A. G. Tyson and A.M. Mortimer
  • Crowded and sparse domains in object recognition: consequences for categorisation and naming. (2006) T.M. Gale, K.R. Laws and K. Foley
  • Domain-specific deficits in schizophrenia. (2006) K.R. Laws, V.C. Leeson and P. J. McKenna
  • Formal thought disorder is characterised by impaired lexical access. (2006) V.C. Leeson, K.R. Laws and P. J. McKenna
  • Name relearning in elderly patients with schizophrenia: episodic and temporary, not semantic and permanent. (2006) T.K. Kondel, S.R. Hirsch and K.R. Laws
  • Testing for a deficit in single-case studies : Effects of departures from normality. (2006) J.R. Crawford, P.H. Garthwaite, A. Azzalini, D.C. Howell and K.R. Laws
  • The impact of colour, spatial resolution and presentation speed on category naming. (2006) K.R. Laws and M. Z. Hunter
  • Categories, Controls and Ceilings. (2005) K.R. Laws
  • Category deficits and paradoxical dissociations in Alzheimer's disease and Herpes Simplex Encephalitis. (2005) K.R. Laws and G. Sartori
  • Executive inhibition and semantic association in schizophrenia. (2005) V.C. Leeson, A. Simpson, P. J. McKenna and K.R. Laws
  • False memories and delusional ideation in normal healthy subjects. (2005) K.R. Laws and R. Bhatt
  • Illusions of Normality: A Methodological Critique of Category-Specific Naming (published with peer commentaries and reply). (2005) K.R. Laws
  • A Longitudinal Analysis of Memory in patients with Schizophrenia. (2005) P. J. Tyson, K.R. Laws, K.H. Roberts and A.M. Mortimer
  • Storage and Access procedures in Schizophrenia: Evidence for a Two Phase Model of Lexical Impairment. (2005) V.C. Leeson, P. J. McKenna and K.R. Laws
  • What happens to semantic memory when formal thought disorder remits? : Revisiting a case study. (2005) V.C. Leeson, P. J. McKenna, G. Murray, T.K. Kondel and K.R. Laws
  • When is category specific in Alzheimer's disease. (2005) K.R. Laws, T.M. Gale, V.C. Leeson and J.R. Crawford
  • Hypofrontality in Schizophrenia. A meta-analysis of functional imaging studies. (2004) K. Hill, L. Mann, K.R. Laws, C. M. E. Stephenson, I. Nimmo-Smith and P. J. McKenna
  • Sex differences in lexical size across semantic categories. (2004) K.R. Laws
  • Stability of set-shifting and planning abilities in patients with schizophrenia. (2004) P. J. Tyson, K.R. Laws, K.H. Roberts and A.M. Mortimer
  • An early marker for semantic memory impairment in patients with schizophrenia. (2004) M.M. Al-Uzri, K.R. Laws and A.M. Mortimer
  • Basic-level visual similarity and category specificity. (2003) T.M. Gale, K.R. Laws, R. Frank and V.C. Leeson
  • Intellectual differences between schizophrenic patients and normal controls across the adult lifespan. (2003) T.K. Kondel, A.M. Mortimer, V.C. Leeson, K.R. Laws and S.R. Hirsch
  • Category specific naming the visual properties of line drawn stimuli. (2002) T.M. Gale and K.R. Laws
  • Visual object processing in schizophrenia : evidence for an associative agnosic deficit. (2002) V.S. Gabrovska, K.R. Laws, J. Sinclair and P. J. McKenna
  • Visual similarity is greater for line drawings of nonliving than living things: The importance of musical instruments and body-parts. (2002) K.R. Laws, T.M. Gale, R. Frank and N. Davey
  • Why are our similarities so different A reply to Humphreys and Riddoch. (2002) K.R. Laws and T.M. Gale
  • A domain specific deficit for foodstuffs in patients with Alzheimer's disease. (2002) K.R. Laws, V.C. Leeson and T.M. Gale
  • The effect of 'masking' on picture naming. (2002) K.R. Laws, V.C. Leeson and T.M. Gale
  • What is structural similarity and is it greater in living things. (2001) K.R. Laws
  • Loss of stored knowledge of object structure : implications for "category-specific" deficits. (2000) O.H. Turnball and K.R. Laws
  • Gender affects naming latencies for living and nonliving things: implications for familiarity. (1999) K.R. Laws
  • Reconsidering the Gospel According to Group Studies: A Neuropsychological Case Study Approach to Schizophrenia. (1996) K.R. Laws, P. J. McKenna and R.A. McCarthy
  • Other
  • Cognitive therapy for patients with schizophrenia. (2014) K.R. Laws and Peter McKenna
  • Statistical errors and omissions in a trial of cognitive behavior techniques for psychosis : commentary on Turkington et al. (2014) Tim Smits, Daniël Lakens, Stuart J. Ritchie and K.R. Laws
  • CBT for psychosis : Not a 'quasi-neuroleptic': Authors' reply. (2014) P. J. McKenna, J. Radua, S. Jauhar and K.R. Laws
  • Cognitive-behavioural therapy for the symptoms of schizophrenia : systematic review and meta-analysis with examination of potential bias. (2014) S. Jauhar, P. J. McKenna, J. Radua, E. Fung, R. Salvador and K.R. Laws
  • Executive functioning questionnaires : A critical review of factor analytic studies. (2013) K.R. Laws and Joerg Schulz
  • Semantic memory and symptomatology in schizophrenia : A review. (2012) K.R. Laws, Verity C. Leeson, Mohammed M. Al-Uzri and Tejinder K. Kondel
  • Semantic memory associated with negative symptoms in schizophrenia. (2012) K.R. Laws and Mohammed M. Al-Uzri
  • Superior face recognition in body dysmorphic disorder. (2011) K. Jefferies, K.R. Laws and Naomi Fineberg
  • The longitudinal neurodegenerative impact of Alzheimer's disease on picture naming. (2008) F.J. Moreno-Martinez, K.R. Laws and M. Goni-Imizcoz
  • Self-Organising Map Representations Of Greyscale Images Reflect Human Similarity Judgements. (2004) T.M. Gale, N. Davey, K.R. Laws, M.J. Loomes and R. Frank