Number of items: 83.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for schizophrenia - outcomes for functioning, distress and quality of life : A meta-analysis. (2018)
Keith R. Laws,
Nicole Darlington,
Tejinder K. Kondel,
Peter J. McKenna
Sameer Jauhar
Self-reported interoceptive deficits in eating disorders: A meta-analysis of studies using the eating disorder inventory. (2018)
Paul Jenkinson,
Lauren Taylor
Keith Laws
Cognitive dysfunction in body dysmorphic disorder : new implications for nosological systems and neurobiological models. (2017)
Kiri Jefferies-Sewell,
Samuel R Chamberlain,
Naomi A Fineberg
Keith R Laws
NICE guidance on psychological treatments for bipolar disorder: : searching for the evidence. (2016)
Sameer Jauhar,
Peter J McKenna
Keith R Laws
Sex differences in cognitive impairment in Alzheimer's disease. (2016)
K.R. Laws,
Karen Irvine
Tim M. Gale
Commentary : Does Cognitive Behavior Therapy for psychosis (CBTp) show a sustainable effect on delusions? A meta-analysis. (2016)
Keith R Laws
Selective reporting of results in guidelines. (2015)
P. J. McKenna,
K R Laws
S. Jauhar
Increased frequency of involuntary semantic memories or mind-pops in schizophrenia : a diary study. (2015)
Ia Elua,
K.R. Laws
Lia Kvavilashvili
The neuropsychology of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder : a new analysis. (2015)
Naomi Fineberg,
Grace A. Day,
Nica de Koenigswarter,
Samar Reghunandanan,
Sangeetha Kolli,
Kiri Jefferies-Sewell,
Georgi Hranov
K.R. Laws
Authors' reply. (2015)
P. J. McKenna,
K.R. Laws
S. Jauhar
The use of ketamine as an antidepressant: : A systematic review and meta-analysis. (2015)
Caoimhe M. Coyle
K.R. Laws
Are psychological therapies effective in treating schizophrenia and psychosis? (2015)
Peter Kinderman,
Peter Mckenna
Keith R. Laws
To admit or not to admit? : The effect of framing on risk assessment decision making in psychiatrists. (2015)
Kiri Jefferies-Sewell,
Shivani Sharma,
Tim Gale,
Chris J. Hawley,
George Georgiou
K.R. Laws
Authors' reply. (2014)
P. J. McKenna,
J. Radua,
K.R. Laws
S. Jauhar
Greater cognitive deterioration in women than men with Alzheimer's disease : a meta analysis. (2012)
K. Irvine,
K.R. Laws,
T.M. Gale
T.K. Kondel
Is Ginkgo biloba a cognitive enhancer in healthy individuals? : A meta-analysis. (2012)
K.R. Laws,
H. Sweetnam
T.K. Kondel
Superior face recognition in Body Dysmorphic Disorder. (2012)
Kiri Jefferies,
K.R. Laws
Naomi Fineberg
From mind-pops to hallucinations? : A study of involuntary semantic memories in schizophrenia. (2012)
I. Elua,
K.R. Laws
L. Kvavilashvili
Category-specific semantics in Alzheimer's dementia and normal aging? (2011)
K.R. Laws,
T.M. Gale,
R.L. Adlington,
K. Irvine,
S. Sthanakiya
F.J. Moreno-Martínez
Delusion-prone individuals : stuck in their ways? (2011)
K.R. Laws,
Tejinder Kondel,
R. Clarke
A-M. Nillo
A set of high quality colour images with Spanish norms for seven relevant psycholinguistic variables: The Nombela naming test. (2011)
Francisco Javier Moreno-Martinez,
Pedro R. Montoro
K.R. Laws
Physical activity and mental health in a student population. (2010)
Philip Tyson,
Kelly Wilson,
Diane Crone,
Richard Brailsford
K.R. Laws
Cognitive behavioural therapy for major psychiatric disorder : does it really work? A meta-analytical review of well-controlled trials. (2010)
D. Lynch,
K.R. Laws
P. J. McKenna
Facial emotion processing in schizophrenia : a non-specific neuropsychological deficit? (2010)
E. Pomarol-Clotet,
F. Hynes,
C. Ashwin,
E.T. Bullmore,
P. J. McKenna
K.R. Laws
False memory in schizophrenia patients with and without delusions. (2010)
R. Bhatt,
K.R. Laws
P. J. McKenna
‘Normal’ semantic-phonemic fluency discrepancy in Alzheimer's disease? A meta-analytic study. (2010)
K.R. Laws,
A. Duncan
T.M. Gale
The neuropsychology of the schizo-obsessive subtype of schizophrenia : a new analysis. (2010)
D.D. Patel,
K.R. Laws,
A. Padhi,
J. Farrow,
K. Mukhopadhaya,
R. Krishnaiah
Naomi Fineberg
The Hatfield Image Test (HIT) : A new picture test and norms for experimental and clinical use. (2009)
Rebecca L. Adlington,
K.R. Laws
Tim M. Gale
Is executive impairment associated with schizophrenic syndromes? A meta-analysis. (2009)
C.R.M. Dibben,
C. Rice,
K.R. Laws
P. J. McKenna
Visual processing in Alzheimer's disease : surface detail and colour fail to aid object identification. (2009)
R.L. Adlington,
K.R. Laws
T.M. Gale
Attention and executive function in people with schizophrenia: Relationship with social skills and quality of life. (2008)
P. J. Tyson,
K.R. Laws,
K.A. Flowers,
A.M. Mortimer
J. Schulz
Awareness of everyday executive difficulties precede overt executive dysfunction in schizotypal subjects. (2008)
K.R. Laws,
D.D. Patel
P. J. Tyson
No category specificity in Alzheimer's disease: A normal aging effect. (2008)
F.J. Moreno-Martinez
K.R. Laws
Semantic priming in schizophrenia : systematic review and meta-analysis. (2008)
E. Plomarol-Clotet,
T.M.S.S. Oh,
K.R. Laws
P. J. McKenna
The impact of dementia, age and sex on category fluency: Greater deficits in women with Alzheimer's disease. (2008)
F.J. Moreno-Martinez,
K.R. Laws
J. Schulz
The naming profile in Alzheimer patients parallels that of elderly controls. (2008)
T.M. Gale,
K. Irvine,
K.R. Laws
S. Ferrissey
Ecstasy (MDMA) and memory function: a meta-analytic update. (2007)
K.R. Laws
J. Kokkalis
An attenuation of the 'normal' category effect in patients with Alzheimer's disease : A review and bootstrap analysis. (2007)
F.J. Moreno-Martinez
K.R. Laws
A meta-analytic review of category naming in Alzheimer's disease. (2007)
K.R. Laws,
R.L. Adlington,
T.M. Gale,
F.J. Moreno-Martinez
G. Sartori
A predominance of category deficits for living things in Alzheimer's disease and Lewy body dementia. (2007)
K.R. Laws,
J.R. Crawford,
F. Gnoato
G. Sartori
Category-specificity can emerge from bottom-up visual characteristics: evidence from a modular neural network. (2006)
T.M. Gale
K.R. Laws
Cognitive function and social abilities in patients with schizophrenia: relationship with atypical antipsychotics. (2006)
P. J. Tyson,
K.R. Laws,
K.A. Flowers,
A. G. Tyson
A.M. Mortimer
Crowded and sparse domains in object recognition: consequences for categorisation and naming. (2006)
T.M. Gale,
K.R. Laws
K. Foley
Domain-specific deficits in schizophrenia. (2006)
K.R. Laws,
V.C. Leeson
P. J. McKenna
Formal thought disorder is characterised by impaired lexical access. (2006)
V.C. Leeson,
K.R. Laws
P. J. McKenna
Name relearning in elderly patients with schizophrenia: episodic and temporary, not semantic and permanent. (2006)
T.K. Kondel,
S.R. Hirsch
K.R. Laws
Testing for a deficit in single-case studies : Effects of departures from normality. (2006)
J.R. Crawford,
P.H. Garthwaite,
A. Azzalini,
D.C. Howell
K.R. Laws
The impact of colour, spatial resolution and presentation speed on category naming. (2006)
K.R. Laws
M. Z. Hunter
Categories, Controls and Ceilings. (2005)
K.R. Laws
Category deficits and paradoxical dissociations in Alzheimer's disease and Herpes Simplex Encephalitis. (2005)
K.R. Laws
G. Sartori
Executive inhibition and semantic association in schizophrenia. (2005)
V.C. Leeson,
A. Simpson,
P. J. McKenna
K.R. Laws
False memories and delusional ideation in normal healthy subjects. (2005)
K.R. Laws
R. Bhatt
Illusions of Normality: A Methodological Critique of Category-Specific Naming (published with peer commentaries and reply). (2005)
K.R. Laws
A Longitudinal Analysis of Memory in patients with Schizophrenia. (2005)
P. J. Tyson,
K.R. Laws,
K.H. Roberts
A.M. Mortimer
Storage and Access procedures in Schizophrenia: Evidence for a Two Phase Model of Lexical Impairment. (2005)
V.C. Leeson,
P. J. McKenna
K.R. Laws
What happens to semantic memory when formal thought disorder remits? : Revisiting a case study. (2005)
V.C. Leeson,
P. J. McKenna,
G. Murray,
T.K. Kondel
K.R. Laws
When is category specific in Alzheimer's disease. (2005)
K.R. Laws,
T.M. Gale,
V.C. Leeson
J.R. Crawford
Hypofrontality in Schizophrenia. A meta-analysis of functional imaging studies. (2004)
K. Hill,
L. Mann,
K.R. Laws,
C. M. E. Stephenson,
I. Nimmo-Smith
P. J. McKenna
Sex differences in lexical size across semantic categories. (2004)
K.R. Laws
Stability of set-shifting and planning abilities in patients with schizophrenia. (2004)
P. J. Tyson,
K.R. Laws,
K.H. Roberts
A.M. Mortimer
An early marker for semantic memory impairment in patients with schizophrenia. (2004)
M.M. Al-Uzri,
K.R. Laws
A.M. Mortimer
Basic-level visual similarity and category specificity. (2003)
T.M. Gale,
K.R. Laws,
R. Frank
V.C. Leeson
Intellectual differences between schizophrenic patients and normal controls across the adult lifespan. (2003)
T.K. Kondel,
A.M. Mortimer,
V.C. Leeson,
K.R. Laws
S.R. Hirsch
Category specific naming the visual properties of line drawn stimuli. (2002)
T.M. Gale
K.R. Laws
Visual object processing in schizophrenia : evidence for an associative agnosic deficit. (2002)
V.S. Gabrovska,
K.R. Laws,
J. Sinclair
P. J. McKenna
Visual similarity is greater for line drawings of nonliving than living things: The importance of musical instruments and body-parts. (2002)
K.R. Laws,
T.M. Gale,
R. Frank
N. Davey
Why are our similarities so different A reply to Humphreys and Riddoch. (2002)
K.R. Laws
T.M. Gale
A domain specific deficit for foodstuffs in patients with Alzheimer's disease. (2002)
K.R. Laws,
V.C. Leeson
T.M. Gale
The effect of 'masking' on picture naming. (2002)
K.R. Laws,
V.C. Leeson
T.M. Gale
What is structural similarity and is it greater in living things. (2001)
K.R. Laws
Loss of stored knowledge of object structure : implications for "category-specific" deficits. (2000)
O.H. Turnball
K.R. Laws
Gender affects naming latencies for living and nonliving things: implications for familiarity. (1999)
K.R. Laws
Reconsidering the Gospel According to Group Studies: A Neuropsychological Case Study Approach to Schizophrenia. (1996)
K.R. Laws,
P. J. McKenna
R.A. McCarthy
Cognitive therapy for patients with schizophrenia. (2014)
K.R. Laws
Peter McKenna
Statistical errors and omissions in a trial of cognitive behavior techniques for psychosis : commentary on Turkington et al. (2014)
Tim Smits,
Daniël Lakens,
Stuart J. Ritchie
K.R. Laws
CBT for psychosis : Not a 'quasi-neuroleptic': Authors' reply. (2014)
P. J. McKenna,
J. Radua,
S. Jauhar
K.R. Laws
Cognitive-behavioural therapy for the symptoms of schizophrenia : systematic review and meta-analysis with examination of potential bias. (2014)
S. Jauhar,
P. J. McKenna,
J. Radua,
E. Fung,
R. Salvador
K.R. Laws
Executive functioning questionnaires : A critical review of factor analytic studies. (2013)
K.R. Laws
Joerg Schulz
Semantic memory and symptomatology in schizophrenia : A review. (2012)
K.R. Laws,
Verity C. Leeson,
Mohammed M. Al-Uzri
Tejinder K. Kondel
Semantic memory associated with negative symptoms in schizophrenia. (2012)
K.R. Laws
Mohammed M. Al-Uzri
Superior face recognition in body dysmorphic disorder. (2011)
K. Jefferies,
K.R. Laws
Naomi Fineberg
The longitudinal neurodegenerative impact of Alzheimer's disease on picture naming. (2008)
F.J. Moreno-Martinez,
K.R. Laws
M. Goni-Imizcoz
Self-Organising Map Representations Of Greyscale Images Reflect Human Similarity Judgements. (2004)
T.M. Gale,
N. Davey,
K.R. Laws,
M.J. Loomes
R. Frank