Items where Author is "<span class="person_name">Miszalski, B.</span>"
Number of items: 12.
  • First release of the IPHAS catalogue of new extended planetary nebulae. (2014) L. Sabin, Q. A. Parker, R.L.M. Corradi, L. Guzman-Ramirez, R.A.H. Morris, A.A. Zijlstra, I. S. Bojičić, D. J. Frew, M. Guerrero, M. Stupar, M. J. Barlow, F. Cortés Mora, J.E. Drew, R. Greimel, P. Groot, J. M. Irwin, M. J. Irwin, A. Mampaso, B. Miszalski, L. Olguín, S. Phillipps, M. Santander García, K. Viironen and N. J. Wright
  • The VMC survey VI : Quasars behind the Magellanic system. (2013) M-R.L. Cioni, D. Kamath, P.R. Wood, S. Rubele, J.T. Van Loon, J.P. Emerson, B. K. Gibson, M.A.T. Groenewegen, V.D. Ivanov, B. Miszalski and V. Ripepi
  • A barium central star binary in the Type-I diamond ring planetary nebula Abell 70. (2012) B. Miszalski, H. M. J. Boffin, David J. Frew, A. Acker, J. Köppen, A. F. J. Moffat and Q. A. Parker
  • Newly discovered Wolf-Rayet and weak emission-line central stars of planetary nebulae. (2011) K. DePew, Q. A. Parker, B. Miszalski, O. De Marco, D. J. Frew, A. Acker, A. V. Kovacevic and R. G. Sharp
  • ETHOS 1: a high-latitude planetary nebula with jets forged by a post-common-envelope binary central star. (2011) B. Miszalski, R. L. M. Corradi, H. M. J. Boffin, D. Jones, L. Sabin, M. Santander-Garcia, P. Rodriguez-Gil and M. M. Rubio-Diez
  • The VMC survey I. Strategy and first data. (2011) M-R.L. Cioni, G. Clementini, L. Girardi, R. Guandalini, M. Gullieuszik, B. Miszalski, M.I. Moretti, V. Ripepi, S. Rubele, G. Bagheri, K. Bekki, N.J.G. Cross, W.J.G. de Blok, R. de Grijs, J.P. Emerson, C.J. Evans, B. Gibson, E. Gonzales-Solares, M.A.T. Groenewegen, M.J. Irwin, V.D. Ivanov, J. Lewis, M. Marconi, J-B. Marquette, C. Mastropietro, B. Moore, R. Napiwotzki, T. Naylor, J.M. Oliveira, M. Read, E. Sutorius, J.T. van Loon, M.I. Wilkinson and P.R. Wood
  • The Necklace : equatorial and polar outflows from the binary central star of the new planetary nebula IPHASX J194359.5+170901. (2011) R. L. M. Corradi, L. Sabin, B. Miszalski, P. Rodriguez-Gil, M. Santander-Garcia, D. Jones, J.E. Drew, A. Mampaso, M.J. Barlow, M. M. Rubio-Diez, J. Casares, K. Viironen, D. J. Frew, C. Giammanco, R. Greimel and S. E. Sale
  • IPHAS extinction distances to planetary nebulae. (2011) C. Giammanco, S.E. Sale, R.L.M. Corradi, M.J. Barlow, K. Viironen, L. Sabin, M. Santander-Garcia, D.J. Frew, R. Greimel, B. Miszalski, S. Phillipps, A.A. Zijlstra, A. Mampaso, J.E. Drew, Q.A. Parker and R. Napiwotzki
  • Improved prospects for the detection of new Large Magellanic Cloud planetary nebulae. (2011) B. Miszalski, R. Napiwotzki, M-R.L. Cioni and J. Nie
  • The influence of binarity on dust obscuration events in the planetary nebula M 2-29 and its analogues. (2011) B. Miszalski, J. Mikolajewska, K. Koppen, T. Rauch, A. Acker, M. Cohen, D.J. Frew, A.F.J. Moffat, Q.A. Parker, A.F. Jones and A. Udalski
  • The orbital period of V458 Vulpeculae, a post-double common-envelope nova. (2010) P. Rodriguez-Gil, M. Santander-Garcia, C. Knigge, R.L.M. Corradi, B.T. Gansicke, M.J. Barlow, J. Drake, J.E. Drew, B. Miszalski, R. Napiwotzki, D. Steeghs, R. Wesson, A.A. Zijlstra, D.H. Jones, T. Liimets, T. Munoz-Darias, S. Pyrzas and M. Rubio-Diez
  • Candidate planetary nebulae in the IPHAS photometric catalogue. (2009) K. Viironen, R. Greimel, R.L.M. Corradi, A. Mampaso, M. Rodriguez, L. Sabin, G. Delgado-Inglada, J.E. Drew, C. Giammanco, E. Gonzalez-Solares, M.J. Irwin, B. Miszalski, Q.A. Parker, E.R. Rodriguez-Flores and A.A. Zijlstra