Number of items: 18.
Heavy Elements in DA White Dwarfs. (2001)
M.A. Barstow,
M.R. Burleigh,
N.P. Bannister,
J.B. Holberg,
I. Hubeny,
F.C. Bruhweiler
R. Napiwotzki
Visual Reasoning: I see what you mean. (2001)
Michael Biggs
From Hollywood to Borehamwood- Exploring nepotism and networking in US and UK freelance film careers. (2001)
H. Blair,
N. Culkin
K.R. Randle
Political Activism and Workplace Industrial Relations in a UK Failing School. (2001)
Moira Calveley
G. Healy
Revisiting Collectivism- Unionised Teachers Response to Individualism. (2001)
Moira Calveley
G. Healy
How much poverty could HIPC reduce. (2001)
Hulya Dagdeviren
J. Weeks
De-stressing the Down-sized Organisation- Autonomy and Integrity for Survival. (2001)
J. Dietmann
R. Stead
Spectral Analysis of sdB Stars from the Hamburg ESO Survey. (2001)
H. Edelmann,
U. Heber,
R. Napiwotzki,
M. Lemke
N. Christlieb
Women and IT contracting work - a testing process. (2001)
S. Grey
G. Healy
Effects of Grazing Encounters on Spiral Galaxies. (2001)
M. Kaufman,
C. Struck,
B. Elmegreen,
D.M. Elmegreen,
E. Brinks,
M. Thomasson
M. Klaric
What's ethics got to do with it Providing an ethical framework for the cinema exhibition sector in the shadow of 'the dirty dozen' in the UK. (2001)
F. Kerrigan
M.F. Ozbilgin
Development of an online pesticide information system for Chile : Final report to Syngenta Chile. (2001)
Kathleen Lewis
Marguerite Newbold
The ages of circumnuclear starbursts from Near-IR spectroscopy: Bushfires or Mexican Wave. (2001)
S.D. Ryder,
J. Knapen,
A. Alonso-Herrero
M. Takamiya
The historical importance of multi-employer, national pay bargaining to the UK general printing sector. (2001)
J. Telford
Would the current pension reform improve the wellbeing of women retirees in Turkey. (2001)
N. Topal
M.F. Ozbilgin
The Message is the Medium- A Case Study in Cultural Change. (2001)
D. Wray
Toward independence and inclusion : A study exploring the unmet needs of people with cerebral palsy and physical disabilities in the Yorkshire and Humber region. (2001)
Jane Wray,
Robert Gates
Emma Krijen - Kemp
NGC 404, a galaxy without dark matter. (2001)
M.S. del Rio,
E. Brinks,
P. Carral
J. Cepa