Number of items: 103.
Method and Apparatus for the Real-time Characterisation of Particles Suspended within a Fluid Medium. (2001)
A local search method for pattern classification. (2001)
A. Albrecht,
M.J. Loomes,
K. Steinhofel,
M. Taupitz
C.K. Wong
Robust Internal Model Control of UPFC-Based Power Flow Compensation. (2001)
Tayeb Allaoui
Mouloud Denai
Error correction movement for machine assisted stroke rehabilitation. (2001)
Farshid Amirabdollahian,
R. Loureiro,
B. Driessen
W. Harwin
Induction Motor Speed Observation and Control Based on Neural Networks. (2001)
Sid-Ahmed Attia,
Mouloud Denai
Mohamed Bouhamida
The Case of GM Food. (2001)
David Barling
Heavy Elements in DA White Dwarfs. (2001)
M.A. Barstow,
M.R. Burleigh,
N.P. Bannister,
J.B. Holberg,
I. Hubeny,
F.C. Bruhweiler
R. Napiwotzki
Fuzzy Multi-Model Control of a Power System Stabilizer. (2001)
L. Belhadj,
Mohamed Bouhamida
Mouloud Denai
Robust Internal Model Control of an ASVC compensator. (2001)
Maamar Benyamina
Mouloud Denai
Visual Reasoning: I see what you mean. (2001)
M. Biggs
Why study Wittgenstein's diagrams? (2001)
M. Biggs
Excellence in the Teaching of Geography. (2001)
P. Bloomfield
B. Rawlings
Robust Power System Stabiliser Design Based on mu-Synthesis. (2001)
Mohamed Bouhamida
Mouloud Denai
Interphase and Ground Faults Detection for High Speed Transmission Line Protection Using Artificial Neural Networks and The One-Terminal Current Data. (2001)
Tahar Bouthiba,
F. Yousfi
Mouloud Denai
The HI Distribution in Two Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies. (2001)
H. Bravo-Alfaro,
E. Brinks,
F. Matias,
A.J. Baker
D. Kunth
‘Dissolving Spectators: Lantern History and the Royal Polytechnic Institution’. (2001)
Mark Broughton
Exposure assessment to support on-farm risk characterisation for pesticides. (2001)
C.D. Brown,
Kathleen Lewis
A. Hart
Differential Rotation in Young Low-mass Stars. (2001)
A. Collier Cameron,
J.R. Barnes,
L. Kitchatinov
J-F. Donati
A Polarization Flare in 3C 273: A Clue to Jet Physics. (2001)
L.L. Cross,
B. Wills,
J. Hough
J. Bailey
Ambulance despatch systems : The Melbourne story. (2001)
Darren Dalcher
Forensic ECBS : The way forward. (2001)
Darren Dalcher
High performance associative memory models and sign constraints. (2001)
N. Davey
R.G. Adams
High performance associative memory models and weight dilution. (2001)
N. Davey,
R.G. Adams
S. Hunt
Modeling of neurons with active dendrites. (2001)
Erik De Schutter
Volker Steuber
Robust Internal Model Control of ASVC-Based Var Flow Compensation. (2001)
Mouloud Denai
Maamar Benyamina
Sustainable management of pest-tolerant transgenic crops. (2001)
Ian Denholm
Motives and Drivers for Strategic Alliances in The Global Information Sector. (2001)
Mariana Dodourova
H I Recycling: Formation of Tidal Dwarf Galaxies. (2001)
P.A. Duc
E. Brinks
Spectral Monitoring of HS 0209+0832 a DAB White Dwarf in the DB Gap. (2001)
H. Edelmann,
U. Heber
R. Napiwotzki
Spectral analysis of sdB Stars from the Hamburg ESO Survey. (2001)
H. Edelmann,
U. Heber,
R. Napiwotzki,
M. Lemke
N. Christlieb
Applying Caching to Two-Level Adaptive Branch Prediction. (2001)
C. Egan,
G.B. Steven,
W. Shim
L. Vintan
Qualitative Interviewing. (2001)
Nigel Fielding
Hilary Thomas
New Structures in Galactic Disks: Predictions and Discoveries. (2001)
A.M. Fridman,
O.V. Khoruzhii,
V.A. Minin,
E.V. Polyachenko,
V.L. Polyachenko,
O.K. Sil'chenko,
A.V. Zasov,
V.L. Afanasiev,
S.N. Dodonov,
A.V. Moiseev,
J. Boulesteix
J. Knapen
Improving stem canker control in winter oilseed rape by accurate timing of fungicide applications based on disease forecasting. (2001)
P. Gladders,
M. R. Green,
J. M. Steed,
Jon S. West
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Sixgun: Tales From An Unfolded Earth. (2001)
Daniel Goodbrey
The Dutch in Colchester in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: Opposition and Integration. (2001)
N. Goose
Light Curves from an Expanding Relativistic Jet. (2001)
J. Granot,
M. Miller,
T. Piran,
W. Suen
P. Hughes
An empirical study of maintenance issues within process improvement programmes in the software industry. (2001)
T. Hall,
A. Rainer,
N. Baddoo
S. Beecham
Equipartition in the hot-spots of 3C 123. (2001)
M.J. Hardcastle,
M. Birkinshaw
D.M. Worrall
The environments of FR II radio sources. (2001)
M.J. Hardcastle
D.M. Worrall
The GENTLE/S project : A new method of delivering neuro-rehabilitation. (2001)
W. Harwin,
R. Loureiro,
Farshid Amirabdollahian,
M. Taylor,
G. Johnson,
E. Stokes,
S. Coote,
M. Topping,
C. Collin,
S. Tamparis,
J. Kontoulis,
M. Munih,
P. Hawkins
B. Driessen
Plural morphology in compounding is not good evidence to support the dual mechanism model. (2001)
J. Hayes,
V. Murphy,
L. Peters,
Pamela Smith
N. Davey
Fault isolation in nonlinear analog circuits with tolerance using the neural network-based L1-norm. (2001)
Y. He
Y. Sun
Nucleosynthesis in massive stars using extended adaptive nuclear reaction networks. (2001)
A. Heger,
T. Rauscher,
R. D. Hoffman
S.E. Woosley
Enigmatic gender in Delarivier Manley's New Atalantis. (2001)
R. Herman
Shadows and Doubts : Hitchcock, Genre and Villainy. (2001)
R. Hughes
Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851. (2001)
Rowland Hughes
Consciousness and conceptual schema. (2001)
D. Hutto
The Emergence of eWork in Europe and Implications for China. (2001)
Ursula Huws,
X. Huang
P. Standen
Working Towards Excellence : teachers and teaching assistants supporting children with special educational needs. (2001)
J. Jarvis
M. Rees
Automated Reduction and Calibration of SCUBA Archive Data Using ORAC-DR. (2001)
T. Jenness,
J. A. Stevens,
E.N. Archibald,
F. Economou,
N. Jessop,
E.I. Robson,
R.P.J. Tilanus
W.S. Holland
Experiences of user-centred design of information and communication technologies with disabled and elderly people : the work of the Sensory Disabilities Research Unit. (2001)
Valerie Johnson,
Anne-Marie O'Neill
Helen Petrie
Mass Beyond the Main Sequence. (2001)
H.R.A. Jones
Effects of Grazing Encounters on Spiral Galaxies. (2001)
M. Kaufman,
C. Struck,
B. Elmegreen,
D.M. Elmegreen,
E. Brinks,
M. Thomasson
M. Klaric
Is erectile dysfunction a marker for cardiovascular disease? (2001)
M Kirby,
G Jackson,
J Betteridge
K Friedli
Transformation of path information for WCET analysis during compilation. (2001)
Raimund Kirner
P. Puschner
Kinematics in the central kiloparsec of spiral galaxies. (2001)
J. Knapen
Organic Farming Conversion Software. (2001)
Kathleen Lewis
John Tzilivakis
On-farm risk assessment of agricultural pesticides. (2001)
Kathleen Lewis,
John Tzilivakis,
C.D. Brown
A. Hart
Inheritance and mechanisms of resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and in vitro mutagenesis via microspore culture in Brassica napus. (2001)
S. Y. Liu,
Z. Y. Xu,
J. K. Zhang,
H. Z. Wang,
Yongju Huang
L. Y. He
A novel method for computing natural path for robot assisted movements in synthetic worlds. (2001)
R. Loureiro,
Farshid Amirabdollahian,
B. Driessen
W. Harwin
Re-evaluating the word-length effect. (2001)
Peter Lovatt
Steve Avons
P-419: Phospholipase C isoforms and differentiation state of cultured human Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells. (2001)
Louise Susan MacKenzie,
C. Shelley,
M.K. Patel,
A.D. Hughes
Joanne Lymn
High-resolution imaging of stars, dust, and star formation in nuclear rings in galaxies. (2001)
L.M. Mazzuca,
J. Knapen,
M. Regan
T. Boker
Optical and physical characterization of European and Indo-Asian pollution plumes with six-wavelength aerosol lidar. (2001)
D. Mueller,
Albert Ansmann,
K. Franke,
D. Althausen
U. Wandinger
Cosmic supernova rate history and Type Ia supernova progenitors. (2001)
K Nomoto,
T Tsujimoto
Chiaki Kobayashi
Paying Attention to Relevant Dimensions : A Localist Approach. (2001)
M.P.A. Page
A CMOS field programmable analog array and its application in continuous-time OTA-C filter design. (2001)
B. Pankiewicz,
M. Wojcikowski,
S. Szczepanski
Y. Sun
Comparative performances of stochastic competitive evolutionary neural tree (SCENT) with neural classifiers. (2001)
W. Pensuwon,
R.G. Adams
N. Davey
Diseases of winter linseed : occurrence, effects and importance. (2001)
S. A. M. Perryman,
P. Gladders,
A. Barrow,
B. Simons
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Theory of GRB Afterglow. (2001)
T. Piran
J. Granot
From Riff Raff to Nil by Mouth. (2001)
Kerry William Purcell
Changes and challenges in crop science research. (2001)
Aiming Qi
Q. Zhang
An Overview Of The Practitioners, Processes and Products Project. (2001)
A. Rainer,
T. Hall,
N. Baddoo
D. Wilson
Sex inequalities in ischaemic heart disease in primary care - Inhouse clinics may help better to manage patients with heart disease. (2001)
T J Ramsbottom,
M G Kirby
K Friedli
Nuclear Astrophysics. (2001)
T. Rauscher
Friedrich-Karl Thielemann
Nuclear aspects of stellar and explosive nucleosynthesis. (2001)
T. Rauscher,
Friedrich-Karl Thielemann,
R. D. Hoffman
S.E. Woosley
Pragmatic influences in children's ability to answer questions. (2001)
N. Ryder
E. Leinonen
The ages of circumnuclear starbursts from Near-IR spectroscopy: Bushfires or Mexican Wave. (2001)
S.D. Ryder,
J. Knapen,
A. Alonso-Herrero
M. Takamiya
Understanding circumnuclear star formation in spiral galaxies. (2001)
S.D. Ryder,
J. Knapen
M. Takamiya
The Spanish economy: from the single market to EMU. (2001)
Keith Salmon
End point of the rp process on accreting neutron stars. (2001)
H. Schatz,
A. Aprahamian,
L. Bildsten,
A. Cumming,
M. Ouellette,
T. Rauscher,
Friedrich-Karl Thielemann
M. Wiescher
Interactions between transgenic plants, the diamondback moth and natural enemies. (2001)
T H Schuler,
RPJ Potting,
Ian Denholm
GM Poppy
An adaptive, reconfigurable interconnect for computational clusters. (2001)
A. Shafarenko
V. Vasekin
Health promotion with people who have a learning disability. (2001)
Philomena Shaughnessy
S. Cruse
Explosive nucleosynthesis in massive Pop III stars and abundances in metal-poor stars and M87. (2001)
M Shirouzu,
Chiaki Kobayashi,
H Umeda
K Nomoto
‘Us and Them’. (2001)
Patricia Simpson
Complexity at the ‘Edge’ of the Basic Assumption Group. (2001)
Ralph Stacey
A near-infrared imaging survey of nearby spiral galaxies. (2001)
S. Stedman,
J. Knapen
D.M. Bramich
Dynamic branch prediction using neural networks. (2001)
G.B. Steven,
R. Anguera,
C. Egan,
F.L. Steven
L. Vintan
Omni-directional motion: pedestrian shape classification using neural networks and active contour models. (2001)
Ken Tabb,
S. George,
N. Davey
R.G. Adams
Element synthesis in stars. (2001)
Friedrich-Karl Thielemann,
F. Brachwitz,
C. Freiburghaus,
E. Kolbe,
Gabriel Martinez-Pinedo,
T. Rauscher,
F. Rembges,
W. R. Hix,
M. Liebendoerfer,
A. Mezzacappa,
K.L. Kratz,
B. Pfeiffer,
K. Langanke,
K. Nomoto,
S. Rosswog,
H. Schatz
Michael Wiescher
A principled approach to interactive hierarchical non-linear visualization of high-dimensional data. (2001)
P. Tino,
I. Nabney,
Yi. Sun
B.S. Williams
The development of software to support planning conversion to organic agriculture. (2001)
John Tzilivakis
Kathleen Lewis
Towards an evidence base for personal construct psychotherapy. (2001)
Sue Watson
David Winter
Evaluating the Response of Children with Autism to a Robot. (2001)
I. Werry,
K. Dautenhahn
W. Harwin
Construing the unthinkable. (2001)
David Winter
New insights on Radio-Galaxy X-ray Emission Components from Chandra. (2001)
D.M. Worrall,
M. Birkinshaw
M.J. Hardcastle
New radio-galaxy X-ray results from Chandra. (2001)
D.M. Worrall,
M. Birkinshaw
M.J. Hardcastle
On Service Prioritization in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. (2001)
Hannan Xiao,
Kee Chaing Chua,
Winston Seah
Anthony Lo
A Quantitative Analysis of TCP performance over Wireless Multihop Networks. (2001)
Hannan Xiao,
Kee Chaing Chua,
Winston Seah
Anthony Lo
Efficient modeling and analysis of clock feed-through and charge injection of switched current circuits. (2001)
F. Yuan,
M. Youssef
Y. Sun
NGC 404, a galaxy without dark matter. (2001)
M.S. del Rio,
E. Brinks,
P. Carral
J. Cepa